Saturday, February 28, 2009

About us :

Greeting from good samaritan trust !
"happy to see the message for funding, small indian NGOs are really seeking this type of projects”
Background of the Organization: GST started functioning in 10 villages through non-formal education programmes in the year 1998 It was officially registered in the year 2004. The main objective of GST is "To help the Dalits and poor chidrens to help themselves". Through its intensive educational and organizational efforts, GST is able to extend its activities to 40 villages, which are situated in 3 panchayat union - Peranamallur, Chetpet and Thellar of Tiruvannamalai District. In these villages GST has formed Ambedkar Women's Associations for Dalit youth and has assisted these associations to federate under the banner of "Rural Women's Self-Reliant Movement". This movement addresses the issues of Dalits pertaining to their basic needs like drinking water, housing, burial ground, transportation, schools and primary health centers. It also addresses issues related minimum wages and social discrimination. In order to effectively take up these issues GST is training regularly groups of young people in legal education, leadership skills and social analysis. GST also trained a group of young women and men in street theatre skills and formed a street theatre group, which goes around the villages performing street theatre programmes, which serve as an effective medium of communication with the people. When GST realized that without the participation of youth one couldn't succeed in solving the problems of the community. From the year 2003 GST has involved itself in educating and organizing the Dalit youth in the villages.
Through these initiatives so far it has formed youth associations in 10 villages where the youth actively participate in Development issues of their village communities. The youth groups have also taken up step to join the young girls to taken up saving and credit schemes in 5 villages. The young women have been trained in legal issues and community health issues with an emphasis on traditional medical practices. Every year GST is training a group of 100 students both boys and girls who are from a very poor background and give them special coaching to complete their School studies. They are from the 1st-9th standard and are aged 5 to 15 years. During these coaching classes they are also given the skill education to prepare them to take up development activities in future in their respective village communities

Vision :

Main reasons for the work
1. The living condition of Dalits and Tribles must be improved
2. The Dalit must equip them with relevant knowledge and skills
3. Unity must be developed among Dalits
4. They should guide to tap the Government Schemes & Benefits for their economic development
5. They should get higher education without dropouts 6. They should organize to fight for their fundamental rights and social justice through collective action

Mission :

To strive for empowerment of the under privileged, oppressed, exploited sections of rural and urban societies, by developing on sustainable lines, their overall capacities to overcome social, political, economic, cultural, physical and psychological barriers imposed on them, which will trigger a positive virtuous circle of self development with self dignity

Main Goals of Organization: Objectives:

To develop backward villages, urban slums and weaker sections of people through integrated Socio-Economic activities in Health, Agriculture, Horticulture, Irrigation, Non-Formal Education, Adult Education, Youth Training, Women & Child Welfare activities and improve the living conditions of the villagers and slum dwellers.
a) To empower women through social mobilization process and organizing thereby
enhancing their capacities, income levels and livelihoods.
b) To ensure compressive health and nutritional services by. setting up community health
facilities, mobile medical care, handicapped care and baby care centers for children.
c) To start and manage Nutritional programmes for children pregnant women and Lactating
d) To prevent HIV/AIDS among the vulnerable high risk groups.
e) Organise the rural communities in to local level institutions also known as Self-Help
Groups and strengthening these institutions in a way which they can manage their
livelihoods in a sustainable manner
f) To prevent chronic diseases and combat epidemics such as: HIV/AIDS, TB, Cancer,
Malaria etc
g) To start administrative and supervise child - welfare centers in needy areas for
the purpose of promoting health and eradicating Mal-Nutrition among pre-school going
d) To take up environmental development activities in the rural areas through plantations,
soil & water conservation activities .
e) To establish tailoring and handy crafts training centers for women in the villages.
f) To take-up dry land, Agriculture development activities for the poor peoples and
small farmers in the villages by providing seeds, agriculture Instruments, manure and trainings etc.


Rehabilitating Rag picking street Children by organizing a special Child Labor Bridge
School to mainstream them into regular schools with nutritional support in chetpet Corporation.
· Working with vulnerable Street Children of Chetpet Corporation to address their sexual health problems through behavior change care and treatment, Condom promotion etc., to prevent HIV/AIDS among them..
· Organizing poor Dalits, Tribals & women, slum dwellers and Disabled people to form into Sangams for regular savings towards their Socio-Economic Development through micro enterprising in thiruvannamalai district and chetpet..
· Promoting income generative activities among rural and urban women through local banks and other Govt. agencies.
· Providing psycho sociological care, and accessing Government Welfare Services to them. .

Brief History :

GST started functioning in 10 villages through non-formal education programmes in the year 1998. It was officially registered in the year 2004. The main objective of GST is "To help the Dalits to help themselves". Through its intensive educational and organizational efforts, GST is able to extend its activities to 40 villages, which are situated in 3 panchayat union - Peranamallur, Chetpet and Thellar of Tiruvannamalai District. In these villages GST has formed Ambedkar Women's Associations for Dalit youth and has assisted these associations to federate under the banner of "Rural Women's Self-Reliant Movement". This movement addresses the issues of Dalits pertaining to their basic needs like drinking water, housing, burial ground, transportation, schools and primary health centers. It also addresses issues related minimum wages and social discrimination. In order to effectively take up these issues GST is training regularly groups of young people in legal education, leadership skills and social analysis. GST also trained a group of young women and men in street theatre skills and formed a street theatre group, which goes around the villages performing street theatre programmes, which serve as an effective medium of communication with the people. When GST realized that without the participation of youth one couldn't succeed in solving the problems of the community. From the year 1999 GST has involved itself in educating and organizing the Dalit youth in the villages. Through these initiatives so far it has formed youth associations in 10 villages where the youth actively participate in Development issues of their village communities. The youth groups have also taken up step to join the young girls to taken up saving and credit schemes in 5 villages. The young women have been trained in legal issues and community health issues with an emphasis on traditional medical practices. Every year GST is training a group of 100 students both boys and girls who are from a very poor background and give them special coaching to complete their High School studies. They are from the 1st-9th standard and are aged 5 to 15 years. During these coaching classes they are also given the skill education to prepare them to take up development activities in future in their respective village communities.

Brief Projects / Achievements :

Ø Dalit Empowerment programme
Ø School Choice Campaign
Ø Dalit Land Rights Federation


· full time: 9
· part-time: 6
· volunteers: 6
· trustees: JP Dominic- President

Registration Data:

Public Trust Act - 21/04 ,26/6/2004

Contact us:

GST- Good Samaritan Trust
16/A, Periyar Street,
Chetpet, Polur Taluk,Tiruvannamalai Distr
CHETPET - 606801.
Tamil Nadu

President: JP Dominic
Tel : 9345234940 ,9840411153

Website on Karmayog -